Mary, Help Of Christians Catholic Church
Morphett Vale Parish

Weekday Mass
Tuesday 9.15am
Wednesday 10.00am (Polish)
Thursday 9.15am
Friday 9.15am
Saturday 9.00am (followed by Reconciliation)
Weekend Mass
6pm Vigil Mass
8am, 9.30am & 11am (Polish)
After 9.15am Mass, concluding 12Noon with Benediction at Mary Help of Christians Church

Pray the Rosary
Morphett Vale Catholic Parish Pioneer Cemetery
Holy Cloak of St Joseph
This precious treasury of prayers in honour of St. Joseph is to be prayed for 30 days, commemorating the earthly thirty years which St. Joseph spent in the company of our Lord. St. Teresa of Avila vouched for its efficaciousness, writing “If you really want to believe in it, prove it to yourself by reciting the Novena and you will be finally convinced.”
Prayer by Pope John Paul II to Mary Help of Christians
O Mary Help of Christians, in our need we turn to you with eyes of love, with empty hands and longing hearts. We look to you that we may see your Son, our Lord. We lift our heads that we may have the bread of life. We open wide our hearts to receive the Prince of Peace.
Consecration of the Home to Mary Help of Christians
Most holy Virgin Mary, appointed by God to be the Help of Christians, we choose you as the Mother and protectress of our home. We ask you to favour us with your powerful protection. Preserve our home from every danger, from fire, flood, lightning, storm, earthquake, thieves, vandals, and from every other danger.
Act of Consecration to Mary Help of Christians
O Mary Help of Christians, Patroness of Australia, Mother of Mercy, Queen of Heaven and earth, refuge of sinners, we consecrate ourselves to your Immaculate Heart. To you we consecrate our country, our families, our hearts, and souls and all that we have.
Novena to Our Lady Help of Christians
O most holy Mary, Help of Christians and Patroness of Australia, we have recourse to Thee in these troubled times, when forces hostile to Thy Son threaten our beloved land. Mother of God, hear our prayers, and come to our assistance.
Cnr Bains & South Roads,
Morphett Vale SA 5162
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(08) 8326 1555
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