Faith Formation (RCIA) for Adults
Thinking of becoming a Catholic? Or maybe just want to know more about your faith?
“RCIA” stands for ‘Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults’.
A Faith Formation program designed for adults seeking initiation into the Catholic Church.
A safe and supportive environment to ask questions, share, learn, and grow in faith. Preparation for receiving the Sacraments of Initiation - Baptism, Confirmation, and Eucharist.
A spiritual and personal journey, supported by the Morphett Vale Parish Priest Father Roman, as well as catechists, volunteers, and the parish community.
Please direct all RCIA enquiries to the Parish Office via phone 8326 1555 or email Thank you!
The Chair of St Peter, Vatican.
Milk Grotto, Bethlehem, Holy Land.
Divine Mercy Shrine, Poland.